V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  kkksa  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  6
117 天前
回复了 kkksa 创建的主题 问与答 pikpak api 上传 bug


We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. After checking with our technical team, we found that your uploaded files will occupy space for an estimated 4 days. This is due to our resumable upload feature, which allows users to pause and resume uploads or handle temporary interruptions. If the upload is not completed within this time, the space will be released. We agree that this time frame is too long and will be shortening it in future updates.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Our Mac version will be launching soon. Stay tuned!
129 天前
回复了 vx007 创建的主题 Google Play Google play 无法自动更新?
这个项目你可以试试 半开源的 play store https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AuroraStore
你这很好了,身在福中不知福,电信 20:1,1000M 下载 50M 上传普遍现象
135 天前
回复了 sunhelter 创建的主题 软件 在用网盘体验总结
阿里云盘第一批测试用户,正式版推出后 1 个月后注销了账户
135 天前
回复了 netdcy 创建的主题 macOS [开发者自荐] FlowVision: 瀑布流式 macOS 看图软件
比自带的好用一万倍,但功能还是比不上 XnViewMP
绿联买过他家的数据线和 pencil 平替笔 磁吸充电款,东西很一般价格贵,不过售后挺好的,那只 pencil 笔基本的防误触都做不到还得买原装 Apple pencil 2
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