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求助 applescript 语法问题, Chat-GPT 也无法解决

  •   AlanZ1997 · 283 天前 · 876 次点击
    这是一个创建于 283 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    这个脚本运行时提示语法错误 accept this_chat 预期是行的结尾等等,却找到标识符。

    using terms from application "Messages"
    	on «event ichthe06» this_message given «class hepr»:this_buddy, «class hect»:this_chat
    		set this_name to the name of this_buddy
    		if the name of this_buddy is in {"张波波"} then
    			set the greeting_name to the first name of this_buddy
    			if the greeting_name is "" then set the greeting_name to this_name
    			accept this_chat
    			if the content of this_message is "hello" then
    				tell application "QuickTime Player"
    					new movie recording
    					start document 1
    					set miniaturized of window 1 to true
    					delay 2 -- 延迟 2 秒以确保录制开始
    					tell application "System Events"
    						keystroke "q" using {command down, control down} -- 锁屏
    					end tell
    				end tell
    			end if
    		end if
    	end «event ichthe06»
    end using terms from
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