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[远程] [RMB 40-60k/month] DevOps Infrastructure Engineer

  •   ticky1 · 203 天前 · 5554 次点击
    这是一个创建于 203 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    职位为远程,需要英文好。月薪人民币 4-6 万。
    请符合要求的朋友发送简历到 addingtime.com@gmail.com ,合适的话会沟通下一步。

    DevOps Infrastructure Engineer


    · Design, implement, and maintain scalable and resilient infrastructure using Terraform, primarily on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

    · Collaborate closely with development and operations teams to integrate infrastructure as code (laC) practices into the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

    · Develop and optimize CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions, ensuring efficient build, test, and deployment processes.

    · Oversee the implementation and management of GCP services, focusing on optimizing performance, scalability, and cost.

    · Implement and maintain monitoring and alerting systems for infrastructure and applications to ensure high availability and performance.

    · Ensure security best practices are integrated into infrastructure design, following industry standards and frameworks.

    · Conduct regular infrastructure reviews and audits to identify potential improvements or optimizations in the system architecture.

    · Collaborate with the security team to implement security controls and compliance measures, particularly in the areas of cloud security and network architecture.

    · Develop documentation and standard operating procedures for infrastructure setup, configuration, and maintenance.

    · Provide expertise and support in incident response and root cause analysis for infrastructure-related issues.

    · Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in DevOps, cloud computing, and infrastructure automatior.

    · Educate and train team members on Terraform, GCP, and DevOps best practices to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


    · Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field, or equivalent experience.

    · Strong expertise in infrastructure as code (laC) using Terraform

    · Proficiency in managing and deploying applications and services on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

    · Experience with CI/CD tools, especially GitHub Actions, and understanding of software development lifecycles.

    · Knowledge of containerization technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and their orchestration in cloud environments.

    · Familiarity with network architecture, security protocols, and cloud security best practices.

    · Proficient in scripting languages (e.g., Python,Bash) for automation and configuration.

    · Strong problem-solving skills, analytical mindset, and attention to detail.·Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

    · Relevant industry certifications in cloud computing (e.g.,Google Cloud Professional,Terraform Associate) or DevOps are highly desirable

    Job Description


    · strong communication skills: able to communicate clearly and in a concise manner

    · strong collaboration skills: demonstrated experience working in highly collaborative environment and using collaborative coding best practices

    · strong problem solving skills: able to deal with complex scenarios and be able to find solutions that are scalable,maintainable, secure by design

    · proficiency with at least one of the following programming languages: go, java, python, nodeJS - preferably go


    · demonstrated experience of building, maintaining or managing highly scalable kubernetes implementations working knowledge of kubernetes ecosystem and tooling

    · strong understanding of kubernetes internals - including service/networking, pods lifecycle, statefulsets and extensibility NICE TO HAVE experience working with contorllers/operators NICE TO HAVE working knowledge of ArgoCD and istio


    · strong hands-on experience on one cloud provider, ideally GCP (but AWS/AZURE are acceptable) understanding of cloud best practices, security in the cloud.shared responsibility

    · at minimum basic understanding of cloud networking - ideally strong on networking, private service connect (or equivalent for AWS/AZURE) routing and network security controls (VPC Service Control,private/restricted API,firewall,WAF) at minimum basic understanding of TLS, mTLS, concepts pf encryption in transit and encryption at rest. understanding of load balancing (L4/L7),DNS,CDN

    · experience architecting for resiliency and high-availability


    · hands-on experience configuring and managing HashiCorp Vault

    · understanding of vault engines and vault authentication/authorisation mechanismHA and DR strategies for vault


    · knowledae of different databases and understanding of key differences between consistency models

    · experience confiaurina.managing and scaling at least one know database technology (Postgres,MySQL,Mongo,CouchBase, Cassandra,CouchDB.CockroachDB.BigTable,etc...)

    · understanding of db infrastructure management, scaling databases, performance optimisation

    · knowledge of user management and access control experience/knowledge of replication, data recovery, disaster recovery


    · Experience with setting up and configuring CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions/Workflows

    · Understanding of CI/CD best practices such as automated testing, code quality checks, and deployment automation

    · Knowledge of integrating security checks and testing into CI/CD workflows (e.g., static code analysis, dependency scanning, container security scanning)

    · Experience with writing custom GitHub Actions/Workflows using YAML or JavaScript


    · understanding of observability pillars

    · working knowledge of at least one leading observability tool, preferably Grafana

    · understanding of observability best practices in the context of kubernetes and distributed systems

    · experience creating dashboards and implementing meaningful alerts NICE TO HAVE experience working with OpenTelemetry
    3 条回复    2024-04-14 00:52:20 +08:00
       203 天前 via iPhone
    addingtime… +1s 吗😂
       202 天前
    关键是时区 既然是英文了 肯定是欧美岗位 绝大可能是美国 要倒时差工作吧
       194 天前
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