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Morse Code Generator: Convert Text To Morse Code Online

  •   mrgirff · 193 天前 · 626 次点击
    这是一个创建于 193 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Morse Code Generator

    Morse Code Generator,Easily convert text to Morse code using our online generator. Translate words, phrases, and sentences to Morse code with just a few clicks.

    ## How To Use Morse Code Generator?

    It’s very simple to use: Enter the individual letters or numbers you want to convert in the text box.

    ![](image 18)Morse Code Generator 10

    Click on the “Generate” button.

    Below, you’ll see the character’s Morse password, NATO pronunciation, and a voice description. If a sound file is available, the corresponding Morse code sound can also be heard.

    Numbers 1-9

    Morse Code Generator 11

    Alphabet A-Z

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