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[招聘[[远程] C++后端开发(资深/资浅), Devops 开发, SRE 区块链公司

  •   gochendong · 10 天前 · 1106 次点击
    地点: 远程/居家办公
    岗位: C++后端开发, C++Devops, SRE 总共 10 个 HC
    薪资: junios:8w-12w 美金,senios:12w-16w 美金,高 level16-20w 美金

    Pharos——一家初创区块链公司、团队核心成员分布在纽约、湾区、香港和新加坡,公司目前完成了第一轮融资。公司创始合伙人,均来自蚂蚁区块链部门,cto 是原蚂蚁数字科技 cto ,核心技术领导均为蚂蚁区块链部门 p10 、p9 同学,该公司由蚂蚁生态基金投资。

    ## Blockchain Engineer (C++)
    ## 区块链工程师( C++ )
    Role Overview: 角色概述:
    As a Blockchain Engineer at Pharos Network, you will contribute to the development and maintenance of a modular, full-stack, parallel L1 blockchain infrastructure. This position is ideal for C++ enthusiasts who thrive on working with complex systems, including databases, consensus mechanisms, and virtual machines, and are keen to expand their knowledge in the fast-evolving blockchain space.
    作为 Pharos Network 的区块链工程师,您将致力于模块化、全栈、并行 L1 区块链基础设施的开发和维护。对于喜欢使用复杂系统(包括数据库、共识机制和虚拟机)并热衷于在快速发展的区块链领域扩展知识的 C++ 爱好者来说,该职位是理想的选择。
    Responsibilities: 职责:
    ●Contribute to the design, development, and implementation of key blockchain components, such as virtual machines, consensus mechanisms, and databases.
    ●Optimize a high-performance multithreaded stack-based VM, including disk I/O, computation metering, and networking functionalities.
    ●优化基于高性能多线程堆栈的 VM ,包括磁盘 I/O 、计算计量和网络功能。
    ●Identify system bottlenecks through profiling and evaluate design alternatives to enhance computational efficiency.
    ●Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code in C++, focusing on performance optimization and debugging for high-throughput, low-latency systems.
    ●用 C++编写干净、高效、可维护的代码,专注于高吞吐量、低延迟系统的性能优化和调试。
    ●Collaborate with the team to integrate new features, document solutions, and maintain existing codebases.
    Who You Are: 你是谁:
    ●3+ years of experience in C++ development, with a focus on high-performance or multithreaded systems.
    ●3 年以上 C++开发经验,重点关注高性能或多线程系统。
    ●Strong understanding of systems programming, data structures, and algorithms.
    ●Proficiency in performance optimization, memory management, and using profiling tools.
    ●Exposure to blockchain technology (Ethereum, EVM, or PBFT) is a plus.
    ●接触过区块链技术(以太坊、EVM 或 PBFT )者优先。
    ●A willingness to learn Go or Rust is advantageous.
    ●愿意学习 Go 或 Rust 是有利的。

    ## Senior Blockchain Infrastructure Engineer (DevOps)
    ## 高级区块链基础设施工程师( DevOps )
    Role Overview: 角色概述:
    Pharos Network is seeking a Senior Blockchain Infrastructure Engineer (DevOps) to drive the scalability, performance, and reliability of our blockchain infrastructure. This role involves designing, developing, and optimizing our blockchain network infrastructure, with a strong emphasis on automation, containerization, and continuous delivery.
    Pharos Network 正在寻找一名高级区块链基础设施工程师 (DevOps),以推动我们区块链基础设施的可扩展性、性能和可靠性。该角色涉及设计、开发和优化我们的区块链网络基础设施,重点关注自动化、容器化和持续交付。
    Responsibilities: 职责:
    ●Architect and maintain high-performance, scalable infrastructure for blockchain networks, focusing on containerization, orchestration (Docker, Kubernetes), and continuous delivery.
    ●为区块链网络构建和维护高性能、可扩展的基础设施,重点关注容器化、编排( Docker 、Kubernetes )和持续交付。
    ●Build and optimize automation tools for infrastructure management, monitoring, and deployment (Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins).
    ●构建和优化用于基础设施管理、监控和部署的自动化工具( Terraform 、Ansible 、Jenkins )。
    ●Develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines for seamless deployment of blockchain services.
    ●开发和维护 CI/CD 管道以实现区块链服务的无缝部署。
    ●Troubleshoot infrastructure-related issues, ensuring maximum uptime, security, and resilience.
    ●Optimize system performance through real-time monitoring, automation, and proactive testing strategies.
    Who You Are: 你是谁:
    ●5+ years of experience in DevOps, with deep expertise in infrastructure automation and container orchestration (Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker).
    ●5 年以上 DevOps 经验,在基础设施自动化和容器编排( Terraform 、Kubernetes 、Docker )方面拥有深厚的专业知识。
    ●Proficiency in C++; experience in Go or Rust is a plus.
    ●熟练掌握 C++;有 Go 或 Rust 经验者优先。
    ●Strong experience in high-performance distributed systems, networking, and monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana).
    ●在高性能分布式系统、网络和监控工具( Prometheus 、Grafana )方面拥有丰富的经验。
    ●Experience in blockchain infrastructure, particularly with Layer 1 or EVM-compatible chains.
    ●拥有区块链基础设施方面的经验,特别是第 1 层或 EVM 兼容链方面的经验。
    ●Hands-on experience with cloud platforms (AWS, GCP) and scalable microservices architectures.
    ●拥有云平台( AWS 、GCP )和可扩展微服务架构的实践经验。
    ●Self-directed, with the ability to take ownership of infrastructure projects.

    ## Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
    ## 站点可靠性工程师( SRE )
    Role Overview: 角色概述:
    Pharos Network is looking for a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) to ensure the stability, reliability, and performance of our blockchain network. The SRE will play a critical role in system availability, monitoring, and optimizing infrastructure processes for a high-performance blockchain environment.
    Pharos Network 正在寻找站点可靠性工程师 (SRE),以确保我们的区块链网络的稳定性、可靠性和性能。SRE 将在高性能区块链环境的系统可用性、监控和优化基础设施流程方面发挥关键作用。
    Responsibilities: 职责:
    ●Build and maintain robust monitoring and alerting systems (Prometheus, Grafana), ensuring high system availability and performance.
    ●构建和维护强大的监控和警报系统( Prometheus 、Grafana ),确保系统的高可用性和性能。
    ●Develop and implement automation for infrastructure management, CI/CD pipelines, and incident response.
    ●开发并实施基础设施管理、CI/CD 管道和事件响应的自动化。
    ●Monitor, troubleshoot, and maintain production environments to ensure maximum uptime.
    ●Collaborate with development teams to improve system design, infrastructure, and capacity management.
    ●Conduct regular stress tests and performance optimizations to ensure the security and scalability of the network.
    Who You Are: 你是谁:
    ●5+ years of experience in Site Reliability Engineering, focusing on highly available, scalable systems.
    ● 5 年以上站点可靠性工程经验,专注于高可用性、可扩展的系统。
    ●Proficiency in Linux-based systems, networking fundamentals, and distributed systems.
    ●精通基于 Linux 的系统、网络基础知识和分布式系统。
    ●Programming experience with Python, Go, or shell scripting.
    ●具有 Python 、Go 或 shell 脚本编程经验。
    ●Experience with CI/CD tools (Jenkins, GitLab), version control (Git), and monitoring frameworks (Prometheus, Grafana).
    ●拥有 CI/CD 工具( Jenkins 、GitLab )、版本控制( Git )和监控框架( Prometheus 、Grafana )的经验。
    ●Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills, with experience in preventing and resolving infrastructure bottlenecks.
    ●Experience operating blockchain nodes and services is a plus.

    欢迎私聊 投递简历 邮箱(base64): Z29jaGVuZG9uZ0BnbWFpbC5jb20=
    第 1 条附言  ·  5 天前
    C++简历差不多了, 现在重点找 Devops 和 sre 的人, 有需要的赶快发简历吧
    4 条回复    2024-10-17 10:54:33 +08:00
       9 天前 via iPhone
    有没有针对 rust 的岗位?
       9 天前
    现在很多新开的区块链项目都用的是 Rust 了,写多了 Rust 不愿意写 C++了,我写 Rust 几年,之前调试 C++内存问题那些技能一次都没用上
       9 天前
    @x97bgt 经过确认,业务方可以看 C++,rust ,go, 但对有区块链行业经验的,优先考虑
       9 天前
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