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Hostus 请客喝酒

  •   jacy · 2014-05-26 21:03:50 +08:00 · 2964 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3804 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Dear xxx ,

    At HostUS we are all very sporty and support a football team (Football = Soccer). I myself support my local team called Hamilton Academical FC, known as the accies or hamiltion accies. Yesterday was the 2nd leg of the play offs and we won the game 2 – nil to Hibs, however as we lost 2 – nil to Hibs last week at home, the game went to penalty’s and the accies won 4 – 3 on penalty’s.

    So now we have been promoted to the Scottish Premiership with teams such as Celtic, Motherwell (Local Derby) and Aberdeen. Last night all the pubs and night clubs were running crazy offers for the locals to celebrate and the team players came to a pub called ‘The Vaults’, The vaults is the hamiltion accies social pub and everyone was able to meet, great and drink with the local players.

    To celebrate this with our clients which are our family, we are offering every client a free pint or 1 free drink at your local pub or nightclub.

    To claim your free drink, simply email [email protected] within the next 5 days with a valid receipt and we will send the money direct to your paypal

    Please abide to your local laws and only drink alcohol if you’re legal to do so within your local laws, if we feel you may be underage, we may ask for scanned ID.

    Happy Drinking Folks!


    Alexander McNeil
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