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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[ThoughtWorks 成都] 爱生活,爱测试,喜欢与 bug 打交道,看到代码就鸡冻,你就是我们想要的 QA~~~发送你的个人简历至 [email protected]

  •   Thoughtworks2015 · 2014-12-16 09:42:05 +08:00 · 3010 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3600 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Quality Assurance Analyst

    ThoughtWorks isn’t your average company, so we don’t hire average people.

We've been at the forefront of software testing innovation for a long time and are the creators of Selenium, a portable software testing framework for web applications. We've made contributions to the Open Source community via projects like this one, as well as Frankenstein and SharpRobo. We do things differently here, getting our testers working closely with our developers and business analysts, right from the requirements gathering stage. As a member of the team you'll be around to ask the awkward questions and try the scenarios that analysts or developers don't dream up.

Add to this our focus on Agile delivery and you’ll start to see why working here is refreshingly different.

    Experience in software testing at least for 2 years
    Experience in leading QA testing teams on projects distributed across borders and time zones
    Experience in testing multi-tier web-based applications on Java, Javascript or .NET platforms
    Experience in developing test strategies, test plans and test cases
    Experience in creating and managing automated functional testing scripts
    Be familiar with Java, Javascript and testing frameworks
    [Bonus] Experience in Load, Performance and Stress testing
    [Bonus] Experience in iterative and agile methodologies

    Provide management of quality assurance on large-scale, custom-designed application projects
    Consult, analyze and consolidate business requirements and design
    Communicate with Analysts, Developers and clients to gain functional and technical knowledge
    Produce and improve test strategy throughout the whole project lifecycle while considering the test pyramid
    Plan and manage all testing activities in different phases accordingly
    Plan and perform exploratory testing on story and application levels
    Create and manage automated functional tests iteratively in collaboration with developers and analysts
    Track and report quantitative and qualitative aspects of errors
    Use Iterative and Agile methodologies


    If you are interested in taking on an opportunity that offers variety, innovation, and unique challenge every day, then we should talk.
    We want to hear from you!
       2014-12-16 21:01:04 +08:00
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