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npm install 过程中怎么会调用 grunt,有点奇怪啊,为何会这样?安装个依赖,为何需要使用 grunt 呢?

  •   eeeeeeve · 2015-05-22 10:28:50 +08:00 · 3407 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3436 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    npm install
    npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":"~0.8 || ~0.10"} (current: {"node":"0.12.1","npm"
    npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency mocha@* included from karma-mocha will no
    npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency
    npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly.
    npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency chai@* included from karma-chai will no
    npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency
    npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly.
    npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing [email protected]

    > [email protected] postinstall E:\xxxxxx\node_modules\grunt-autoprefixer
    1 条回复
       2015-05-22 17:15:05 +08:00
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