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V2EX  ›  酷工作

APP Annie 诚邀 高级大数据工程师( Big data Engineer) App 大数据领域世界范围内第一名

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  •   Potter · 2015-11-13 14:18:40 +08:00 · 1874 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3266 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    地点:北京市 朝阳区 三里屯 SOHO
    职位:高级大数据工程师( Big data Engineer )
    备注:该职位属于紧急职位,一年以上 Hadoop 应用开发经验就可,职位说明中满足 20%-50%就可以 哦~

    APP 数据分析领域内全球第一!
    一半同事是老外,真正 8 小时工作制~

    Big Data Engineer

    The Role
    We ’ re looking for an experienced engineer who can lead project and create innovative new
    products in the analytics and data space. You will participate to the development that creates the world's #1 app stores analytics service. Together with the team you will build out new product features and applications using agile methodologies and open source technologies. You will work
    directly with Technical Product Manager, Software Architects, and will be on the front lines of coding new and exciting analytics and data mining products. You should be passionate about what you do and excited to join an entrepreneurial start-up.

    Your responsibilities will include:

    • Design and implement complex product components based on requirements, discuss with project leader and product manager on possible technical solutions.
    • Write data analysis and statistic program in Hadoop ecosystem (Map/Reduce, Pig, Hive,
    HBase etc) with a commitment to maintaining high quality work while being confident in dealing with data mining challenges.
    • Get up to speed in the machine learning domain, implementing analysis components in a distributed computing environment with instruction from Data Scientists.
    • Be comfortable conducting detailed discussions with Data Scientists regarding specific questions related to specific data models.
    • Tune the performance of Hadoop and its related components.

    You should be a strong engineer with proven experience in distributed back-end system implementation, profiling and optimization
    • 3+ years computer development experience
    • 1+ years development experience with Python
    • Hands-on experience of MapReduce and NoSql database development and performance tuning
    • Shell and other script language experience is an advantage
    • Deep knowledge of Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Pig etc.)
    • Familiar with common Machine Learning algorithm in Data Mining domain is a big plus
    • Passion for cloud computing and distributed systems
    • You must be a great problem solver, with the ability to dive deeply into complex problems and emerge with clear and pragmatic solutions
    • Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with Western managers in a bilingual environment.
    • Major in Math or Computer Science

    邮箱: [email protected]
       2015-11-13 19:55:11 +08:00
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