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Opera Link will be closed in Dec. 2015

  •   VmuTargh · 2015-11-26 07:11:01 +08:00 via Android · 4631 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3250 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    It's time to say goodbye to our old friend Opera Link.

    In March, we introduced a new way to sync data in the latest versions of Opera for computers, Android, and iOS. The shift to our new syncing service allowed us to streamline and update the types of browsing data you can sync across your computers, phones and tablets.

    **Opera Link will close in December 2015.**

    At that time, you will no longer be able to synchronize your browsing data using the Opera Link service. Also, you will no longer be able to access your data through the Opera Link web interface at link.opera.com.

    December brings the end of Opera Link, but not the end of syncing your data using your favorite browser. Download the new Opera, and, depending on your devices, you can sync your bookmarks, Speed Dials, open tabs, browsing history, settings and passwords.

    Making the switch is easy:

    1. Navigate to www.opera.com to download and install a new Opera browser.

    2. Use your Opera Link username and password to sign into the new sync service, or set up a new account entirely. You can read more about how at www.opera.com/help/account#signIn.

    3. After you've registered your new account, use our migration tool to move your old Opera Link bookmarks to your new browser. You can find the tool at sync.opera.com/web/.

    If you can not upgrade to the new browser or do not wish to, your local data will remain on your machine but will not update on the Opera Link server. We recommend that you migrate your bookmarks, so you can still access them through our new service's web interface. You can find the migration tool at sync.opera.com/web/.

    We hope you enjoy the updated set of syncing services offered in our newest generation of browsers.

    Thanks for choosing Opera,
    The Sync team
    2 条回复    2015-11-26 18:15:08 +08:00
       2015-11-26 07:49:17 +08:00 via Android
    opera 早从朝外 Soho 搬走了
       2015-11-26 18:15:08 +08:00 via Android
    @vietor 又不是这个意思,是说 link 服务被干掉了,我这个老藕粉信仰差点崩塌……这特喵是把 opera12 硬生生给剁了一只手。现在在找替代插件 ing ……
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