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[微软上海] Azure ,Cloud ,big data engineer 热招中

  •   gddaisy · 2017-05-22 15:13:11 +08:00 · 2690 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2709 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    微软上海正在招聘工程师。Team : Azure storage /Azure stack /Commerce 等

    欢迎简历投递: [email protected] (必须有英文版本简历)

    关于学历背景: 一般要求重点大学本科及以上学历,但是如果有开源代码贡献,特别 NB 项目经验,或者由于某种因素像 BILL GATES 一样中途退学没有学位,微软都敞开大门。

    关于面试 : 数据结构和算法必考 ,语言不限(以你熟悉的为主) ,不要求一定会 C#,只要进来愿意学 关于英语: 能日常工作,书写。有的组有美国面试,具体看情况。 关于工作地点: 上海 ,非常多机会出差美国。如果有移民计划或者愿意去海外发展,微软每年都有很多内部机会。

    Position 1 : Azure storage

    Have you ever imagined the world with infinite amount of storage available and accessible to everyone? Everyone in the world can easily access their books/music/photos/video/any data from anywhere in the world at any time via any means (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, PCs, smart devices, etc). Did you ever desire to universally accessible storage system to record the all knowledge known to mankind, to keep all the books/music/videos ever created, or to store all the data collected from all the scientists in the world for them to collaborate upon? Do you want to be part of a team that strives to bring these to reality? If so, Windows Azure Storage team is what you are looking for. We are building Microsoft ’ s Cloud storage solution – Windows Azure Storage, which is a massively scalable, highly distributed, ubiquitously accessible storage system, designed to scale out and serve the entire world, and its capacity is growing beyond an exabytes within the next year. The Azure China team is located in one of the newest R&D facilities in the greater Shanghai metropolis. It is a growing team with an excellent track record over the past three major releases of large scale cloud computing software. We are looking for engineers who are passionate about distributed storage. To be successful in this area you must thrive dealing with durability, availability, and concurrency, and you should be passionate about storage and the next generation of distributed storage systems. You will be challenged on a daily basis, as you build the largest storage solution Microsoft will offer.

    Requirements: • Passion for distributed structured storage • 5+ years of experience building scalable structured distributed storage systems • 5+ years of experience in developing commercial distributed systems software • Proficient at C++ and C#, and experience with LINQ/SQL/ADO.net • Experience with distributed programming models - Experience with multi-threaded/parallel programming • Excellence in software engineering practices and coding • Proven ability to plan, schedule and deliver quality software • BS+ in computer science or related fields

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