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[上海][Booking]25k+ 招 Android 工程师 有股票(美股 PCLN)

  •   xmuliushuo · 2017-07-29 10:08:36 +08:00 · 3100 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2641 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    代友招人,要求 3+工作经验,会英语.

    有问题可以直接站内咨询我,或者 Email:
    也可以直接咨询我在 Booking 工作的朋友,Email:



    We are looking for a talented Android Developer to join our Technology team in our Shanghai office and help Booking.com BV to make the best travel app in the world! Booking.com ’ s application has millions of downloads and a huge amount of active users. You will be a part of our newly formed China Product Development team in Shanghai. Join us and support Booking.com BV ’ s #1 accommodation platform with some of the industry ’ s smartest people!
    Important Aspects Of The Job Include
    Our guiding principle is that by helping users we help the business, so we listen to Booking.com users and give them features they want to use. As a developer in our mobile team you'll be part of the idea generation process, working in a small startup-like group which takes ownership of its part of the projects. You'll be working on the iterative improvements we make as part of our high-speed release cycles, as well as looking ahead and implementing broader changes to the mobile app.
    Rapidly develop new features and A/B test them with users
    Solve issues with the app, prioritizing based on user impact
    Collaborate with Back-end Developers, Product Owners and Designers to constantly improve the Android app
    Contribute to growing the team through interviewing, on-boarding, or other recruitment efforts.
    We expect our developers to know the ins and outs of the Android framework and to deliver polished products customers want to use. We need self-starters who are great at solving problems, initiate solutions and discussions and are not afraid of solving challenges due to our huge scale.
    We have found that people who match the following requirements are the ones who fit us best:
    3+ years of Android application development using Android SDK
    5+ years of experience as a developer with Java and other languages
    Be able to work on a primarily Chinese version of our app
    Strong interaction and design sense, excellent attention to detail
    Self-motivated to explore new technologies, applications and environments
    Self-starter, highly motivated, team-player
    Bonus Points For
    Experience with Android Market place & Distribution Process
    An approved Play store app
    SQL knowledge and/or willingness to learn
    Experience working with A/B testing
    You are passionate about open source and contribute
    You ’ re not afraid to solve deep technical challenges of a whole new level at a huge scale
    You have an intrinsic curiosity in technological innovations and you are always on top of the latest trends
    The hiring company Booking.com Customer Service Center (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. is one of Booking.com BV ’ s and/or BookingSuite BV ’ s support companies in China. Booking.com Customer Service Center (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. is looking for a Android Developer. Booking.com BV is the company behind Booking.com™, the market leading online accommodation reservation service in the world. BookingSuite BV is the company which operates Booking.com ’ s™ newly established Accommodation Marketing Services division. All references to “ Booking.com" refer to Booking.com BV.
    Department: Technology
    5 条回复    2017-09-14 22:57:55 +08:00
       2017-07-29 11:10:38 +08:00 via Android
    3+ years development experience is a must?
       2017-07-29 22:53:33 +08:00
    今日头条和 booking.com 有什么关系?
       2017-07-30 11:43:32 +08:00
    @KNOX 这个要求是必须的
       2017-07-30 11:43:53 +08:00
    @oclock 没有任何关系 纯粹帮朋友找个人
       2017-09-14 22:57:55 +08:00
    Hi,请问你可以帮忙内推 Product Owner 吗?
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