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[北京 / 硅谷 / Remote] Elastic 招聘 资深软件开发工程师

  •   pooytr1 · 2018-09-03 14:00:30 +08:00 · 2317 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2240 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    In Elastic, we have a simple goal: to solve the world's data problems with products that delight and inspire. Elastic is the leading software provider for making structured and unstructured data usable in real time for search, logging, security and analytics use cases. Since its initial release in 2012, Elastic's products have achieved more than 100 million cumulative downloads. Today thousands of organizations like Cisco, eBay, Dell, Goldman Sachs, Groupon, HP, Microsoft, Netflix, NY Times, Uber, Verizon, Yelp, and Wikipedia use the Elastic Stack, X-Pack, and Elastic Cloud to power critical systems that drive new revenue opportunities and massive cost savings. We believe that diversity drives our vibe. We unite employees across 30+ countries into one coherent team, while the broader community spans across over 100 countries.

    Elastic 作为行业领先的软件提供商,有一个简单而明确的目标:开发易用创新的产品解决全世界的数据问题。Elastic 的软件主要用于实时处理搜索,日志,安全和数据分析等领域的结构化和非结构化的数据。从 2012 的首次发布至今,Elastic 的产品线已经达到了一亿多次的累计下载。数以千计的机构,如思科,eBay,戴尔,高盛,Groupon, 惠普,微软,Netfix,纽约时报,优步,Verizon,Yelp 和维基百科,都在使用 Elastic Stack,X-Pack 和 Elastic Cloud 来支持他们的关键系统,以此产生新收入机会和大规模开支节省。我们的员工分布在 30 多个国家,社区更是遍布超过 100 个国家。

    About The Role

    You'll lead the effort to build standardized and open sourced language service that provides code intelligence for both static and dynamic languages, which is core component of Elastic Code Search, powering core features such as jump to definition, find references and semantic aware search. You ’ ll also help pushing code intelligence to new frontiers such as integration with logging, APM, etc.


    这个职位主要负责主导开发 Language Service,以此为静态和动态编程语言提供代码智能服务。Language Service 是 Elastic Code Search 产品的核心部件,用来在 web 端实现诸如跳转到定义,查找引用和代码语义搜索等功能。同时也会致力于开发基于代码智能的全新应用,诸如和日志系统已经 APM 的整合等。

    What is Elastic Code Search?

    Elastic Code Search is a IDE-like semantic code search solution built on top of the Elastic Stack. It helps development teams to search, navigate and collaborate on large code bases more efficiently. Known previously as insight.io, the product has been used and loved by tens of thousands of developers and received 5 star review on chrome store. YOU will be a founding member of Elastic Code Search team and a shaper of the Elastic Code Search product.

    什么是 Elastic Code Search ?

    Elastic Code Search 是一款基于 Elastic Stack 的类 IDE 的代码语义搜索解决方案。它可以帮助开发团队更高效地对对于大型代码仓库进行搜索,浏览和协作。Elastic Code Search 的前身 insight.io ,在全球已经有数以万计的开发者在使用,其开发的代码浏览插件在 Chrome 商店中获得 5 星好评。你将作为 Elastic Code Search 团队的早期成员,参与规划 Elastic Code Search 产品的路线。

    Engineering Philosophy

    Engineering a highly complex distributed system that is easy to operate via elegantly designed APIs is a non-trivial effort. It requires solid software development skills, and more importantly, a sharp mind and the ability to think like a user. We also care deeply about giving you full ownership of what you ’ re working on. Our company fundamentally believes great minds achieve greatness when they are set free and are surrounded and challenged by their peers, which is clearly visible in our organization. At Elastic, we effectively don ’ t have a hierarchy to speak of. We feel that anyone needs to be in the position to comment on truly anything, regardless of his or her role within the company.


    • Minimum of 5+ year of engineering experience
    • Bachelor ’ s Degree in Computer Science
    • Solid knowledge of compiler and static analysis
    • Previous work or open source experience on projects like IDE, compiler or static analysis software
    • Passionate about developer productivity


    • 5 年以上的软件开发经验
    • 计算机或相关领域本科学位以上
    • 扎实的编译器和静态分析基础知识
    • 有过开发类似 IDE,编译器或者静态分析相关软件的经历
    • 对于提高开发人员工作效率有热情

    Nice to have

    • Experience with TypeScript
    • Deep understanding of build system
    • Experience with large-scale data store such as Elasticsearch
    • Related research experience


    • TypeScript 经验
    • 对构建系统有深刻理解
    • 有使用大型数据存储系统的经验,比如 Elasticsearch
    • 相关的科研经验

    Additional Information

    • Deeply competitive pay and benefits
    • Stock options
    • Catered lunches, snacks, and beverages in most offices
    • An environment in which you can balance great work with a great life
    • Passionate people building phenomenal products
    • 有行业竞争力的薪资和福利
    • 期权奖励
    • 弹性灵活的工作时间和工作地点
    • 每年有到欧洲或硅谷的出差机会


    内推链接: https://grnh.se/47ef82821

    公司正值快速发展阶段,开放很多 Engineer 岗位,具体可以见: https://www.elastic.co/about/careers 感兴趣可将发送简历到cG9veXRyMUBnbWFpbC5jb20= 附上申请的岗位(带上链接),我会给你 refer 的 link。

    Elasticsearch China 也即将到来,欢迎感兴趣的小伙伴加入!

    5 条回复    2018-09-06 13:07:03 +08:00
       2018-09-03 14:37:17 +08:00   ❤️ 1
       2018-09-03 15:04:18 +08:00
    @HaoC12 谢谢
       2018-09-05 10:10:19 +08:00
    @pooytr1 你是 ES 的员工吗?工作地点在北京呀?
       2018-09-05 14:11:43 +08:00 via iPhone
       2018-09-06 13:07:03 +08:00 via iPhone
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