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V2EX  ›  酷工作

上海招聘 - 网站视觉设计师一枚 / Senior Web Designer (8 ~ 15k)

  •   pinghe · 2013-03-28 00:50:16 +08:00 · 2760 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4231 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    颇具竞争力的薪资报酬 – 创业并不代表低薪!
    轻松的工作氛围 – 不打卡,不加班。 我们提倡WORK SMART!
    便利的交通 – 公司位于静安区,从上海各个方向来上班都不会太远

    [公司旗下网站] http://www.48hourslogo.com
    48hourslogo is an online marketplace for logo, web, and print design services. We connect small business owners looking for graphic designs with professional designers from all over the world.
    We are a small team based in Jingan, Shanghai. Besides 48hourslogo, we are also working on a new and very exciting project. Currently we are looking for an experienced web designer to join our team.
    You should have strong graphic design experience, especially in web related applications. You will participate in the whole product development process and contribute creative ideas including style guide, color pallet, and detailed design of each webpage. You will also be responsible for all our daily design activities such as special landing pages, posters, etc.
    If you have the right skills; and like to work in a small team environment to create something from scratch. We would like to meet you. Please don’t forget to attach your past work.

    投送简历时请务必附上个人作品的链接, 谢谢合作!
    邮箱:[email protected]
    51job职位描述: http://search.51job.com/job/54741258,c.html
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