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V2EX  ›  酷工作

第四期德国 IT 岗位招聘之 Web Developer 三连

  •  1
  •   ballackfra · 2020-06-08 19:59:51 +08:00 · 2043 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1593 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Web developer

    Your duties:

    • Technical development of small microsites and landing pages up to extensive websites
    • Development and implementation of templates and modules
    • Performing functional tests and optimizations
    • Event tracking with Google Analytics and monitoring
    • Close cooperation with the Art Directors Digital, the Creative Director and the Performance Managers

    Your profile:

    • Completed training, studies or also experienced career changer
    • At least 3 years of professional experience, ideally in a digital agency
    • Very good knowledge of the frontend in HTML5, SASS, TWIG, JavaScript and/or Webpack
    • Experience in PHP and MySQL
    • First points of contact with CMS
    • No fear of the command line

    **Frontend Web developer **

    Your duties:

    • Conception, development, and operation of the Internet presence and other online services
    • Development of sophisticated web user interfaces with frameworks
    • Active implementation of task packages for projects within an agile team

    Your profile:

    • Successfully completed studies of (business) informatics or a comparable qualification
    • Extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, server-side development and production tools
    • Good knowledge of agile project management methods
    • First experiences in the area of the software cycle
    • Design and development skills with RESTful APIs
    • Knowledge of browser-based web applications, responsive design and the implementation of prototypes
    • Experience in dealing with web standards, object-oriented programming and Java application servers
    • Good written and spoken English skills
    • Communication skills and ability to work in a team

    Web developer/PHP developer

    Your duties:

    • Planning and implementation of database solutions as well as the conception of customer-oriented solutions
    • Programming of web platforms in the front- and backend area
    • Coordination of current projects
    • Conception, implementation and programming of web projects using TYPO3 or WordPress
    • Advice and support of customers as well as the handling of related communication

    Your profile:

    • Successfully completed vocational training in computer science or a comparable qualification
    • First experiences in the development of web applications
    • Experienced knowledge of object-oriented development with PHP7 and MySQL
    • Good experience with different web standards such as HTML5 and JavaScript
    • Initial experience in working with content management systems is desirable
    • Ability to work in a team, process-oriented and holistic way of thinking
    • Good command of English




    1. 帮助人才看到岗位
    2. 帮助岗位看到人才




    • 英语 / 德语 可作为工作语言

    • 有丰富的技术实力和经验

    • 非常欢迎复合型人才

    • 有海外工作或学习的经历是加分项

    • 计算机或相关专业本科及以上学历(条件优秀可放宽)


    • 工作与生活时间更加平衡

    • 充分尊重年龄、取向等隐私

    • 完整配套的服务

    • 只提供优质德国企业岗位





    • 德国收入如何? 2018 年德国 IT 行业平均年薪 6.48 万欧元,属于中高收入人群。

    • 能否技术移民?一人移民,全家“肉翻”,配偶和子女可共同享受当地社会福利。

    • 疫情是否影响。这是最近被问到最多的问题,目前没有消息说德国签证会受到疫情的影响。


    德意志联邦共和国,简称德国,由 16 个联邦州组成,全球四大经济体之一,欧洲第一大经济体,欧盟的创始会员国之一。主要城市有柏林、法兰克福、慕尼黑、汉堡等。

    • 首都:柏林
    • 金融中心:法兰克福
    • 人口:8269 万
    • 面积:35 万平方公里
    • 货币:欧元
    • 主要民族:日耳曼人
    • 气候:温和湿润,四季分明
    • 国家象征:勃兰登堡门、莱茵河、新天鹅堡

    图解今日德国 德国生活贴士



    第三期岗位 ** [均为英文岗位] **

    1 条回复    2020-06-12 10:11:11 +08:00
       2020-06-12 10:11:11 +08:00
    德国队都四星这么多年了,lz 你这个头像是个假粉丝啊
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