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[eBay 上海] [广告团队] 再度扩张;招 25, 26 级(P6-P7+)的 Java 大数据开发.美企,电商 ,不加班, WLB.

  •   matthewye0724 · 2020-06-24 15:01:52 +08:00 · 2623 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1579 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    eBay (纳斯达克上市公司,代码 EBAY )是全球商务的领军者,旗下拥有 eBay 在线交易市场、StubHub 和 eBay Classifieds (分类广告)平台。eBay 连接全球数以亿计的买家与卖家,通过互联商务为他们创造更多的机会。eBay 于 1995 年创立于加州硅谷,是全球最大、最具活力的交易平台之一,为用户提供高性价比的精选物品。2014 年,eBay 全年的商业交易量达到 830 亿美元

    目前岗位: https://www.ajinga.com/company-detail-new/5790/

    (内部真实 HC 不完全跟上面这个链接一致,如果你足够优秀,即使工作年限不够,也可一试哦!) 我会经常有空来更新一下当前紧急要招的职位,方便大家选择。



    拒绝 996,上下班不打卡 各种花式福利 —— 健身房补贴,牙科补贴,餐补,地铁站 穿梭巴士 技术实力雄厚 —— 扎实的技术积累,积极回馈开源社区 https://ebay.github.io/ 待遇好,时薪高,不加班(偶尔加) —— 有钱还有时间花! 入职即“送”最新版 MBP,双显示屏

    欢迎发送 简历 到 [email protected]

    MTS1, Software Engineer (Ads)

    Advertising on eBay is a key driver for our sellers to increase their selling velocity and a great growth opportunity for eBay. If you love cutting-edge Digital Advertising and Big Data technologies AND if you are passionate about bringing new ideas, energy, and dedication to improve Ads on eBay, please join the Ads team at eBay China Center of Excellence (CCOE).

    We are looking for top-notch Software Development Engineers at all levels who could come and help us to build the best eCommerce Advertising Platform. People in the team are friendly, highly motivated, and extremely bright. Our team strives for a culture of professionalism, innovation, career growth, and fun. We will provide you with the best opportunity to work in a challenging, highly visible and fast paced environment.

    Primary Job Responsibilities:

    Developing big data pipeline and machine-learning algorithms to provide sellers with actionable insights of their advertising campaigns and intelligently guide them to get the most benefits from eBay Advertising Platform.
    Developing big data pipeline and machine-learning algorithms to detect frauds on eBay Advertising Platform.
    Actively contributing to design, development, test of complex, multi-tier software applications running in a distributed environment.
    Working with other engineers, managers, designers, product managers to develop innovative solutions that meet needs with respect to functionality, performance, scalability, and reliability while meeting realistic implementation schedules and adhering to development goals and principles
    Estimating engineering efforts, planning implementations and system changes.
    Sharing release management duties during feature rollouts and sharing on-call responsibilities.
    Developing industry and product technical expertise.
    Proactively participating in maintaining team standards and best practices
    Understanding the broader business context around their area and provide intelligent solutions.

    Job Qualifications

    BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent).
    3+ years’ work experience in software development area with at least 2+ years’ experience in Java programming, web development, big data or machine learning.
    Excellent computer science fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms.
    Excellent problem-solving skills and capable of triaging and resolving critical tech issues without supervision.
    Expertise in object-oriented design methodology and application development in Java and J2EE, including Spring
    Expertise in large scale distributed system design or big data processing applications design. Knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes and Hadoop/HBase/Spark/Cassandra is a BIG plus
    Experience with digital advertising is a BIG plus.

    欢迎发送 简历 到 [email protected]
    有需要也可以加我微信( yehao724 )咨询职位和广告团队情况
    1 条回复    2020-06-25 18:35:56 +08:00
       2020-06-25 18:35:56 +08:00
    之前做 Go 开发,会 Java 语法,可以投吗
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