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[上海] 硅谷高科技 IOT 公司 Proxy 招前端工程师 (2-3ys,小程序背景)25-30k 福利好 大部分时间 WFH

  •   matthewye0724 · 2020-09-09 20:37:10 +08:00 · 1268 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1570 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    关于 Proxy 公司 Proxy 公司 2017 年在美国硅⾕成⽴, 致⼒于⽤科技颠覆传统体验,让⽣活和⼯作变得更简单便 捷。公司主要投资⽅包括凯鹏华盈、Y-combinator 等国际顶级⻛险投资机构。 Proxy 从成⽴⾄今不断推出新产品、打开新场景,⽬前的⻔禁与智慧办公产品已经在为包括 WeWork 在内的众多全球化公司服务。

    在中国 原 Airbnb 中国团队 薪资待遇丰厚、期权股票 年假 15+7 天 病假 10 天 补充商业医疗保险 大部分时间 WFH

    邮箱:[email protected] 微信号:yehao724

    **WeChat Developer ** Salary:25-30k*13

    **at Proxy​ China **

    Why we exist... At Proxy, we believe that humans should be empowered, rather than beholden, to technology, and that technology should be used to make our experiences in the world frictionless. Our vision is to live in a world where the technology and services we use can securely recognize our physical presence and seamlessly provide us with an experience personalized to our individual needs and preferences. Most importantly - The ability to do this with complete control of your personal data and privacy.

    **The Role **

    As a WeChat developer, you will work closely with our Mobile, Hardware, Firmware, and Product Engineers to build WeChat mini-programs and plugin that are used by Proxy users on WeChat. You will also spend sometime to work with front-end Engineer to build our web products.

    **At Proxy you will **

    • ● Contribute to products from design to delivery. You won’t do everything, but we expect you to care about architecture, user experience, tech stacks, testing, deployment…
    • ● Write elegant code: maintainable, scalable and testable. We care about details.
    • ● Help the team improve and teach others. We all try and improve the way we build products and help each other continuously. Who you are
    • ● You are an individual contributor who has a passion for creating and supporting great products
    • ● You are flexible and willing to learn new technologies, frameworks, and languages on the job in a rapid manner
    • ● You thrive in collaborative environments, working side by side with people of all backgrounds and disciplines
    • ● You possess strong verbal and written communication skills
    • ● You enjoy and are great at solving problems, debugging, troubleshooting, as well as designing and implementing solutions to complex technical issues
    • ● You have a solid understanding of software development and programming languages

    **Responsibilities **

    • ● Develop Proxy WeChat mini-programs and plug-in.
    • ● Help to define and maintain the WeChat mini-programs related databases and dashboards.
    • ● Help to define the API for WeChat mini-programs.
    • ● Develop the Frontend software to deploy and manage IoT systems.
    • ● Build tools to help solve challenges in security, data collection, customer usage, and product delivery.
    • ● Identify repeated manual tasks and help automate them.
    • ● Collaborate with peers to write, review, and provide feedback on technical specifications.
    • ● Identify and communicate WeChat mini-programs best practices.
    • ● Work closely with our design team to build beautiful & intuitive design features

    **Technical and Professional Experience **

    • ● 2-3 years professional experience in mini-program and front-end development.
    • ● Strong knowledge of JavaScript (libraries and tooling) and NodeJS.
    • ● Stong knowledge with React/Typescript.
    • ● Knows WeChat inside out. Most of us have experience writing WeChat mini-programs or working with the WeChat API.
    • ● Track record delivering software projects.
    • ● Is transparent and wants to learn. We’re constantly trying out new technologies, challenging each other and discussing things in the open.
    • ● Values UI/UX and code quality. We all play an important role in shipping products that people want. This starts with ​designing for users​ and writing elegant code.
    • ● Strong verbal and written communications skills
    • ● Bachelor or Master in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related disciplines.

    **Bonus Points **

    • ● Knowledge of IoT hardware and Bluetooth technology.
    • ● Knowledge of testing principles.
    1 条回复    2020-09-10 17:38:27 +08:00
       2020-09-10 17:38:27 +08:00
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