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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海] SAP Labs 招聘 SRE 工程师 Site Reliability Engineer

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  •   daemonneo1 · 2021-04-14 22:17:33 +08:00 · 788 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1290 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • 英语能沟通
    • 有 CI/CD,DevOps 经验
    • 有 k8s 经验,不用开发 k8s 经验,能 trouble shoot k8s 就可以

    德国企业的福利你懂的,不用我多说了 我可以帮忙内推 简历邮箱 [email protected]

    下面是详细 JD

    Work closely with development teams to achieve high level of availability, reliability and performance of their service
    Develop tools & advanced automation on top of GCP, Azure & AWS to continuously reduce the need for manual intervention
    Design & implement automated solutions for continuous integration and delivery (CI / CD)
    Design & implement monitoring, Logging, alerting and SLA Reporting (observability)
    Design & implement service monitoring dashboards displaying key metrics
    Infrastructure design and automation (Infrastructure as Code)
    Capacity planning
    Create and maintain technical documentation
    Develop automation, optimize and drive efficiency in processes, tools and communication across teams
    Apply SRE best practices, establish standards and policies for continuous improvements
    Perform root cause analysis and produce reports
    knowledge management in the team and between operations and development 
    Provide technical consulting to other internal organizational units
     Participate in the on-call duty rotation
    Bachelor’s degree in computer science or engineering or equivalent combination of education and experience
    Minimum of 5 years of experience working in software engineering with strong understanding of operations
    Proficient in Kubernetes & Docker
    Automation experience with at least one configuration/deployment management system such as Terraform, Chef, Puppet, Ansible or other similar tools
    Experience working with at least one of the following programming languages: Go, Python, Node.js, Ruby and Java
    Experience working in an Agile, fast-paced, DevOps environment
    Proficient with git and git workflows and in leveraging CI and CD tools to automate build and release process
    Strong knowledge of cloud native technologies, cloud infrastructure and strong understanding of micro-services architecture
    Strong knowledge & Hands-on experience with public cloud providers (GCP, Azure, AWS)
    Hands on experience embedding security process in the SDLC is a plus
    Strong knowledge of Linux operating systems 
    Strong understanding of service mesh
    Willingness to continuously learn new technologies and methodologies
    Strong communication skill (Fluency in English)
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