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[北京] Vungle –- 全球移动广告平台招聘后端/iOS; 公司小而美,福利好,可在家办公

  •   Vungle · 2021-06-07 13:27:03 +08:00 · 1246 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1237 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    关于 Vungle

    作为一家值得信赖的全球化移动互联网广告平台,Vungle 专注于为开发者提供最优质的流量变现,以及帮助广告主获取活跃度极高的高质量用户。同时,Vungle 也致力于改变用户获取应用内广告体验的方式。开发者借助 Vungle 独特新颖的广告形式,实现在应用内流量变现的最大化。广告主通过 Vungle 的平台在全球范围展示其广告来获取用户和提升高价值用户的留存。

    Vungle 一直以数据为导向并基于用户体验,不断创造新颖广告格式、广告素材等产品。目前为止,Vungle 广告创意已覆盖超过 10 亿台移动设备,帮助广告主和流量主提高互动和回报。Vungle 总部位于美国旧金山,并在全球范围包括北京、伦敦、柏林、东京、首尔、新加坡、洛杉矶、纽约及赫尔辛基设有分公司。

    Vungle 一直以数据为导向并基于用户体验,不断创造新颖广告格式、广告素材等产品。目前为止,Vungle 广告创意已覆盖超过 10 亿台移动设备,帮助广告主和流量主提高互动和回报。Vungle 总部位于美国旧金山,并在全球范围包括北京、伦敦、柏林、东京、首尔、新加坡、洛杉矶、纽约及赫尔辛基设有分公司。

    1. 资深后端工程师 / Senior Software Engineer, Platform - Golang, C/C++, Java , NodeJS
    2. Staff Engineer, Mobile iOS


    邮箱: [email protected]

    Senior Software Engineer, Platform
    - Work with multiple site teams to develop Vungle core product within Agile framework
    - Lead or co-lead product feature design, implementation and release
    - Debug and resolve problems in different backend systems
    - Continuously optimise the performance of existing systems to provide better SLA to meet core business requirement
    - Contribute to engineering process improvement
    - Contribute to product and engineering project roadmap planning
    - Deliver simple, clean, reusable and easy to maintain source codes

    - BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent experience
    - 5+ years of experience in software development
    - Interested in expanding your knowledge of emerging technologies
    - You are very data-driven and passionate about system performance; making conscious performance trade-offs and enjoy profiling a system
    - Passionate about helping others and invest into the team’s success
    - Have some knowledge of various concurrency patterns, system and interface designs, as well as scaling systems
    - Good understanding of low-latency, high-throughput backend services
    - Object-oriented programming or functional programming, problem-solving, data structures and system architecture experience

    Nice to have Experience:
    - Previous professional experience writing in Golang, C/C++, Java, NodeJS
    - Have experience in using Redis, Mongo, Kafka and NoSQL databases
    - Have experience in using Kubernetes, AWS, GCP

    Staff Engineer, Mobile iOS
    - Drive innovation and work with cross platform teams located in Beijing, San Francisco and London to come up with new features and functionality for our customers.
    - Develop new versions of Vungle’s iOS SDK which is integrated into 50,000+ apps and runs on hundreds of millions of devices
    - Own SDK features to support new ad formats, high performance real-time streaming video delivery, etc.
    - Contribute to design and development of the Vungle API that supports the SDK; with the necessary documentation
    - Work closely with Product Managers, integration engineers and QA to support the world's largest gaming companies.
    - Solve challenging problems in the areas of caching, multi threading and other native Apple technologies.
    - Maintain SDK stability supporting multiple iOS versions and devices
    - Help grow our team by providing valuable feedback and by mentoring junior engineers

    - 8+ years of experience as a software engineer
    - 3 years experience building SDKs, frameworks, APIs and libraries is a plus, not a must have.
    - Bachelor Degree or above in Computer Science or equivalent technical degree
    - Extensive Objective-C knowledge, we love the language. Swift experience a plus
    - Expert-level understanding of multithreading and networking
    - Experience with agile methodologies and high level design principles
    - Knowledge of Xcode, Instruments, REST APIs, git, cocoapods, CI/CD toolchain
    - A passion for the iOS platform, and staying up-to-date with the latest platform developments
    - Knowledge of fundamental Computer Science and Software Engineering concepts
    - Fluent English communication skill
    - Working familiarity with Vungle's ecosystem: gaming, apps, ad tech, etc, at all scales is a plus
    - Experience with uploading applications to AppStore is a plusAd tech experience is a plus
    2 条回复    2021-06-08 09:50:43 +08:00
       2021-06-08 08:51:49 +08:00 via Android
       2021-06-08 09:50:43 +08:00
    @TotoroLee 我们每周最多可以在家办公 3 天~但是如果 base 在另外的城市,可能暂时还不支持^^
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