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bartender 4 会出现状态栏图标缩成一团的情况;
devonthink 3.7 带视频链接的网页存档用 Safari 打开会疯狂吃内存;
logi k380 键盘断连的情况增加;
Safari 的标签栏动来动去的,个人不适应;
2021-06-08 10:18:48 +08:00
回复了 xiaomayi0323 创建的主题 iOS iOS 15 Dev Beta 版升级 Bug 收集贴
更新系统后,iPhone 12 网络信号变差,容易断连
2021-03-25 12:09:20 +08:00
回复了 Joker123456789 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 求推荐一个素质可以匹敌 mac 显示器
等一台 iMac
2021-01-11 18:24:57 +08:00
回复了 ecws86 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 macbook pro 用 3.5 毫米耳机切歌时出现爆音
@ecws86 换了苹果的 EarPods,同样存在问题
2021-01-11 14:24:32 +08:00
回复了 ecws86 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 macbook pro 用 3.5 毫米耳机切歌时出现爆音
@ecws86 尝试安装了 antipod,没有用。
2021-01-11 14:02:04 +08:00
回复了 w2ex2019 创建的主题 Apple 咨询 M1 mac 虚拟机运行 windows 体验?
cpu 1.00Ghz
2021-01-11 03:04:45 +08:00
回复了 ecws86 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 macbook pro 用 3.5 毫米耳机切歌时出现爆音
@wishyy 不知道下面这个帖子说的对不对,每当音频停止 /暂停输出,headphone module 就会关闭,然后重启,产生爆音。假如开启另一个静默的音频,切歌的时候就没有爆音了。github 上甚至有一个专门的软件 antipopd 。

“I want to create a launch daemon in Mac OS to monitor the headphone jack for a connection and then force the module to stay on if a connection is detected (as it would if audio were playing, but I want the module to remain on whether or not it is being given any audio). Is this something that is going to be possible with launchd? Do you have any advice for where to start on this? I can write basic UNIX scripts and know enough Objective-C to make a simple app (though that was a few years ago now).

Background: The new MacBook Pro 13" has an issue where it creates a popping sound every time audio stops and starts on headphones. This is caused by Core Audio shutting the headphone module on and off as soon as it stops detecting output. Overriding this behaviour by having a muted audio source playing in the background solves the problem, but at the cost of CPU usage (and inconvenience). I want to create a daemon that has the same effect, but with lower/negligible cpu usage that is able to detect when headphones are connected.”
2021-01-11 00:49:00 +08:00
回复了 ecws86 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 macbook pro 用 3.5 毫米耳机切歌时出现爆音
@CEBBCAT 没有安装任何 safari 插件
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