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V2EX 第 262997 号会员,加入于 2017-10-27 16:06:40 +08:00
IsanHu 最近回复了
@kangkangbuptcs [摸摸头]
@kangkangbuptcs 你几年工作经验呀

Bachelor in Computer Science / Computer Engineering
Minimum 3 years proven experience as a Software Developer
Minimum 1 years with C++ or Python
Strong application architecture understanding
Ability and will to influence – setting an agenda and striving to reach it. Results orientation
Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written)
@joyandfuns1995 应该有一点
哎呀,不好意思,联系方式那一段忘记贴了 欢迎投递简历:
@peihuan 不是有邮箱吗
@kkklll361 会有一点英文交流
@Protocol hello, 能表达清楚是可以的,另外中文简历也可以
@ksvany 大佬,别有顾忌,简历砸过来吧
@ksvany 读写一般人都没问题,主要是交流。要求日常工作中有需要的时候,能用英文沟通交流
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