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2015-10-01 21:52:03 +08:00
回复了 niseceric 创建的主题 macOS OSX El SIP 真是讨厌


Apple Internal: enabled
Kext Signing: enabled
Filesystem Protections: enabled
Debugging Restrictions: enabled
DTrace Restrictions: enabled
NVRAM Protections: enabled

disable 是把 5 个都关了。。。

目测 proxychains 之类的需要加入 LD_PRELOAD 进行动态 HOOK
debug 那个就是保护了关键路径上的 bin 不被劫持


保护的只有 rootless.conf 定义的目录文件
开代理,速度嗖嗖哒~~ 魔都电信残念中
2015-09-28 14:22:59 +08:00
回复了 huafang 创建的主题 MacBook Pro macbook pro 13 寸 处理器貌似厉害, 15 寸却更贵,该选哪一个
除了便携, 15 全面碾压 13 ,包括价格 发热 T_T 。 用了 15 表示再看 13 ,实在是太小了。。。就怕比较。。。
2015-08-14 23:14:56 +08:00
回复了 julyclyde 创建的主题 Flask Flask(__name__)这个参数到底起了什么作用?
你可以阅读源码 flask/app.py 里面的Flask类


.. admonition:: About the First Parameter
The idea of the first parameter is to give Flask an idea of what
belongs to your application. This name is used to find resources
on the filesystem, can be used by extensions to improve debugging
information and a lot more.
So it's important what you provide there. If you are using a single
module, `__name__` is always the correct value. If you however are
using a package, it's usually recommended to hardcode the name of
your package there.
For example if your application is defined in :file:`yourapplication/app.py`
you should create it with one of the two versions below::
app = Flask('yourapplication')
app = Flask(__name__.split('.')[0])
Why is that? The application will work even with `__name__`, thanks
to how resources are looked up. However it will make debugging more
painful. Certain extensions can make assumptions based on the
import name of your application. For example the Flask-SQLAlchemy
extension will look for the code in your application that triggered
an SQL query in debug mode. If the import name is not properly set
up, that debugging information is lost. (For example it would only
pick up SQL queries in `yourapplication.app` and not


def name(self):
"""The name of the application. This is usually the import name
with the difference that it's guessed from the run file if the
import name is main. This name is used as a display name when
Flask needs the name of the application. It can be set and overridden
to change the value.
.. versionadded:: 0.8
if self.import_name == '__main__':
fn = getattr(sys.modules['__main__'], '__file__', None)
if fn is None:
return '__main__'
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0]
return self.import_name
2015-08-10 16:08:36 +08:00
回复了 hello2u 创建的主题 宽带症候群 上海电信水原来这么深。。。
2015-08-10 16:07:26 +08:00
回复了 DendimoN 创建的主题 新手求助 上海电信能用什么方法快速的访问国外网站?
@vonsis haproxy UDP呢
brew install unrar
上海电信前来报到 10k/s 唉
自动化编辑器识别就这样 utf8 兼容 ascii。。。 纯英文识别出来就是这样,又不是windows那个奇怪的utf8-bom头的。。。别在意
2015-08-02 22:29:02 +08:00
回复了 Tonni 创建的主题 宽带症候群 为什么上海普通家庭电信的国际网络如此之差?!
挺好,同是魔都电信,5k/s........... 单位普通企业也是5k/s 醉了。。。。。。。。。。。 年初好歹还有200k。。。
2015-07-28 22:45:10 +08:00
回复了 gaoy2006 创建的主题 服务器 上海电信访问国站点丢包严重
5k/s 也是要命
2015-07-28 22:43:14 +08:00
回复了 dxcqcv 创建的主题 GitHub 上海电信 50M 宽带 clone github 只有 5K 是为什么
万恶的上海电信现在海外网站基本5k/s 5月底开始不要脸迅速恶化200k -> 50k -> 20k -> 5k /s。。。 没救了,200块精品网真心性价比太差,啧啧。。。 主要是大局域网已成!
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