

V2EX 第 561344 号会员,加入于 2021-11-10 00:30:01 +08:00
根据 sankeff 的设置,主题列表被隐藏
二手交易 相关的信息,包括已关闭的交易,不会被隐藏
sankeff 最近回复了
求一个码,谢谢 OP 。邮箱 Z2hqdG9ueUAxNjMuY29t
求一个码,谢谢 OP 。邮箱 base64#
146 天前
回复了 andyskaura 创建的主题 VPS 已续费 6 年的 virmach 传家宝,今日宣布失联。
我的失联 3 周多,发工单无回复。上周六收到上面的邮件 ↑
146 天前
回复了 andyskaura 创建的主题 VPS 已续费 6 年的 virmach 传家宝,今日宣布失联。
Dear VirMach Customers,

Your service is located on one of the following servers that have recently had heavy packet loss. We have already extended your service due date by 2 weeks and will begin emergency migrations away to a nearby stable node in approximately 4 hours (9:30AM PST.) We'll focus on services most affected by this issue first, and any remaining services will be fully migrated on June 7th, 2024 instead if connectivity stabilizes. If your service is not migrated within the next 24 hours, you can expect to be included in the June 7th migration and/or IPv4 change instead (you'll receive an additional notification in this case with more precise details, but please check the network status page for updates.)

What will happen?

Your service data will be automatically moved over to another physical server, as necessary, or may remain on the same server but with a networking change (see below.)
Your service's IPv4 address will change. You will need to reconfigure networking using the provided function on your control panel, or manually within your operation system as required.
Your service will face approximately 3 to 6 hours of downtime, but this may vary. There may also be reboots or connectivity loss throughout the day as necessary (check network status page.)
Your new IPv4 address will appear on your service details page once the change has been completed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

324 天前
回复了 ellipsisAI 创建的主题 生活 关于房东想让我给他 200 块钱这件事
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